Frequently Asked Questions

Aging will lead to aging cartilage breakdown and damage to the joints. Lifestyle and stress will trigger autoimmune disorders, leading to autoimmune system attacking the joints and excessive use of joints or excessive exercise will damage the joints. When it is slightly acidic around your joints or when there is sound when you move your joints, it means that you should take care of your joints immediately. EnerJointis is a unique nutraceutical supplement specially designed to provide the maximal nutritional support for joint health. EnerJointis contains ingredients that promote the growth of cartilage, joint synovial fluid and collagen: crab shell extract-glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin, collagen and methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). Not only that, EnerJointis also contains vitamin A (Palmitate, natural β-carotene), vitamin C, amino acid (L-methionine) and other essential nutrients for cartilage restoration and regeneration. In addition, phytochemicals such as wheat sprout (the richest source of SOD) is also included in EnerJointis, which plays acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. All the above ingredients complement each other, which can more comprehensively reduce inflammation and maintain joint health.

EnerJointis’ chondroitin is derived from bovine cartilage, while glucosamine sulfate is not artificially synthesized, but from crab shells. Those who are allergic to shellfish can consume EnerJointis with omega 600 to avoid allergic reaction.

EnerJointis contains 100% active ingredients and natural essence. It can be consumed with a peace of mind without worrying about any adverse side effects. It is also in capsule form and not tablet form. Thereby avoiding unnecessary additives such as excipients, adhesives, lubricants and disintegrants. It also does not contain any coloring, flavoring or preservatives. We believe that eating supplements for health means eating clean and natural supplements that is beneficial and harmless to the body. We should try to eliminate supplements that will burden the body, especially the liver and kidney. 

EnerJointis is a health supplement that has successfully combined nutritional therapy and bioenergy therapy (Target Resonance Effect, TRE). The correct formulation can provide nutrient functions, its energy field can also greatly strengthen nutrient functions and provide positive energy flow in the body. This allows VigorAce’s products to effectively replenish cell’s energy, ensuring the best absorption and utilization of nutrients, and assists the body to achieve positive energy flow, so that it can achieve the expected health benefits in a faster, more effective and safer manner and in line with the overall body, mind, and spirit balance. EnerJointis’ unique bioenergy formulation can effectively resonate with the brain, nose, throat, cervical vertebrae, shoulders, elbow joints, upper back (thoracic spine), lower back (lumbar spine), intercarpal articulations, fingers, ligaments of back knee (posterolateral knee), ankle joints and toes, revitalizing mother cells in the targeted tissues thereby enhancing tissue regeneration, repair and self-healing ability.

Glucosamine can reduce the symptoms (joint pain, weakness and swelling), stop deterioration and induce cartilage regrowth. In addition, glucosamine also has lubricating and shock-absorbing properties of the synovial fluid, making joints look like oiled machineries and is shockproof. Glucosamine sulfate has also been proven to promote the production of proteoglycans, proteins that make up ground substance of cartilage the material that give joints strength and resilience; effects which might be useful for prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis. Chondroitin sulfate, another component that contributes to the structural and functional properties of joint cartilage, has shown to reduce pain, decrease inflammation, increase joint mobility, and inhibit the progression of erosive joints. Chondroitin sulfate can also give cartilage elasticity, resilience and support the growth and regeneration of cartilage. Many studies have also shown that chondroitin sulfate has an inhibitory effect on many degradative enzymes which are known to breakdown collagen and cartilage, such as aggrecans and elastase and can protect joints. Both glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate are important substances that provide the building blocks that are needed to repair and rebuild the damaged cartilage, and studies have shown that the combination of the two is better than an individual component. In addition, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) seems to work synergistically with glucosamine to produce glycosaminoglycans, a base substance of cartilage. Thus, deficiencies of MSM would affect the regeneration of cartilage. When MSM is used together with glucosamine, it has an additive effect to relieve pain and is also an effective treatment for arthritis. It helps to repair worn and injured joints, ligaments and tendon cells. MSM can strengthen ligament cells, increase the secretion of lubricating fluid and strengthen the structure of soft tissues making them healthy and resilient. Studies have also shown that the combined use of L-methionine and Glucosamine sulfate is more effective in inhibiting the progression of adjuvant arthritis than individual use. This may be because both components inhibit synovial inflammation and the production of inflammatory mediators synergistically. Therefore, the combined use of these nutritional substances (glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, L-methionine and MSM) can provide an additional effect compared to individual component use.


Arthritis is generally accompanied by joint pain and inflammation. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) has a special anti-inflammatory effect and can be used as a natural analgesic. The pathological mechanism of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is related to the increase of free radicals such as superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide and reactive oxygen species. In the process of neutralizing these free radicals, enzymatic antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) are the main leaders. In addition, collagen is the main protein in joint tissues and bones, and vitamin C also plays a role in the synthesis of collagen. Vitamins A and C are also powerful antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory effects, which can relieve pain, reduce inflammation and prevent cartilage damage. EnerJointis is a complete formula product that does not only reduce inflammation and repairs joints, but also concurrently protects joints to avoid further damage.


Gout is a type of arthritis caused by excessive uric acid in the blood. The symptoms of gout are caused by the formation of uric acid crystals in the joints and the body’s response to them. Gout can occur at any age and the incidence rate in men is higher than that of women. The affected joints will be red, swollen, inflamed, and water retention will lead to restricted mobility and affect daily life. The use of EnerJointis can help fight inflammation, reduce joint pain, and protect joints from severe wear and tear. Consuming Omega600 while consuming EnerJointis can also help reduce inflammation. When paired with Life Green, which is rich in chlorophyll, and is an alkaline food, can help regulate the body’s pH and help eliminate the harmful accumulation of uric acid that causes gout.


The ingredients in EnerJointis helps reduce joint pain, weakness, swelling, has anti-inflammatory properties, can promote the repair of cartilage and induce cartilage regeneration. In addition to anti-inflammation, not only can EnerJointis repair general degenerative arthritis, it also has an antioxidant effect. It can remove free radicals in the joints, avoid damage and prevent rheumatoid arthritis caused by immune disorders due to oxidative stress.


The widespread use of non-inflammatory steroid drugs (NSAIDS) to relieve symptoms can cause many side effects including gastrointestinal bleeding and ulcers. In addition, long-term use of these drugs will accelerate the destruction of joints. Non-inflammatory steroid drugs (NSAIDS) will not delay the progression of arthritis. They only treat acute symptoms such as pain and inflammation, but they do not provide raw materials for joint repair. EnerJointis does not only provide raw materials for joint repair, it is also a natural pain reliever. The ingredients in it does not only prevent inflammation but also help to delay or even stop damage and induce cartilage regeneration. It is effective and does not have any side effects.


EnerJointis contains fish collagen. Fish collagen is mainly composed of type I collagen. Type I collagen can be found almost anywhere in the body. It is the collagen that constitutes 70% of our skin and is the most abundant collagen in the human body. Fish collagen peptides are helpful for anti-oxidation, anti- wrinkle, delay aging, is hydrating and moisturizing. Therefore, it is very helpful to the skin and can keep you young.


We recommend allocating 30 mins in between EnerJointis and medicine consumption.


For general maintenance, we recommend 2 times a day, 1 capsule each time and for special circumstances we recommend maximum 3 times a day, 2 capsules each time.


All VigorAce products are registered with the Malaysian Ministry of Health.