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Vitamin B has many functions, including maintaining the health of our nerves, skin, hair and nails, assisting in the production of red blood cells, regulating cell growth, preventing heart disease and some cancers. Therefore, it is important to supplement all the necessary vitamin B in daily life to ensure physical and mental health. Ener-B does not only contain 8 kinds of vitamin B, but has also added choline, inositol and para-aminobenzoic acid to provide the essential nutrients, the complete vitamin B complex, we need every day, hence it is an essential product for maintaining health. Ener-B is derived from nutraceutical and bioenergy formula which can be directly absorbed into the stomach and intestines to ensure high bioavailability.

Vitamin B is an essential nutrient for all human tissues and it is also the key vitamin for releasing energy from the food we eat every day. Vitamin Bs are all coenzymes. It participates in the body’s daily metabolism of sugar, protein and fat, converts it into the components and energy required by the body’s tissue cells, which contributes to the body’s metabolic rate. In addition, vitamin B can help us to reduce stress, improve mental, physical strength and endurance, protect the nervous system, cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as to energizing your life! Moreover, vitamin Bs are all water-soluble vitamins. It stays in the body for only a few hours and cannot be stored in the body so it must be replenished daily.

Some studies have shown that even if a person is deficient in only one vitamin, supplementing with vitamin B complex supplements may be a better option because it can achieve better results. This is mostly because the B vitamins are a huge family and they work synergistically. For example, Vitamin B2 can activate vitamin B6 and help tryptophan to synthesize niacin. Therefore, it is better to take vitamin B complex than taking a single vitamin B.

Ener-B contains only natural ingredients, no chemical additives and is safe and effective. It is also in capsule form and not tablet form. Thereby avoiding unnecessary additives such as excipients, adhesives, lubricants and disintegrants. It also does not contain any coloring, flavoring or preservatives. We believe that eating supplements for health means eating clean and natural supplements that is beneficial and harmless to the body. We should try to eliminate supplements that will burden the body, especially the liver and kidney.

Ener-B is a proprietary-formulated health supplement that has successfully combined nutraceutical and bioenergy, a.k.a. Target Resonance Effect (TRE), therapies. The correct formulation can provide nutrient functions, its energy field can also greatly strengthen nutrient functions and provide positive energy flow in the body. This allows VigorAce’s products to effectively replenish cell’s energy, ensuring the best absorption and utilization of nutrients, assists the body to achieve positive energy flow so that it can achieve the expected health benefits in a faster, more effective and safer manner and in line with the overall body, mind, and spirit balance. Ener-B’s unique bioenergy formulation can effectively resonate with our brain (frontal lobe), stomach, intestine and spleen, revitalizing mother cells in the targeted tissues thereby enhancing tissue regeneration, repair and self-healing ability.

Ener-B’s complete vitamin B complex can improve premenstrual syndrome and menopausal symptoms, such as emotional instability, irritability, forgetfulness, flatulence, anxiety and hot flashes on the face. Lack of vitamin B can cause symptoms such as nervousness, irritability, difficulty in controlling stress, inattention, and anxiety.

Vitamin B is especially important for pregnant women and breastfeeding women. These vitamins help fetal brain development and reduce the risk of birth defects. For expectant mothers, B vitamins can increase energy levels, relieve nausea and reduce the risk of preeclampsia. In addition, neural tube defects are a common and severe growth problem that starts in the early stages of pregnancy. Studies have shown that taking folic acid can prevent neural tube defects, reduces the mutation and mortality rate as well as help in maintaining the best neurological development. In summary, Ener-B can protect the health of pregnant women, prevent depression during and after pregnancy as well as to protect the neurological development of the fetus.

Stressors in life will consume a lot of vitamin B and vitamin B is related to stress relief and controlling emotions. Vitamin B6 and B12 are important cofactors in the production of serotonin. Serotonin is a key hormone that stabilizes our emotions and makes us feel happy. In addition, vitamins B1, B3, B6, B9, and B12 are important nutrients needed for neuron function. A lack of these vitamin Bs are related to various mental diseases. In addition, stress can also cause hair loss. Ener-B contains para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), which can prevent hair loss. Ener-B is a good helper for you to resist the stressors in life. Therefore, everyone from business owners to office workers, students, and even housewives love it.

High blood sugar levels can damage the small blood vessels that supply blood to nerve fibers, leading to nerve damage and neuropathy. Vitamin B1 and B6 can improve the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. Vitamin B12 can reduce and ease diabetic neuropathy such as peripheral neuropathy hence helpful in the prevention of diabetic neuropathy. In addition, vitamin B (B3 and B6) helps improve blood sugar control, enhance insulin efficacy and control blood sugar fluctuations. Diabetic patients commonly have high blood pressure problems. Supplementing B vitamins or eating foods rich in B vitamins can help prevent high blood pressure. The most harmful complications of diabetes are cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, stroke and other macrovascular complications. Vitamin B such as B3, B6, and B12 helps protect the heart. A lack of vitamin B can also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Ener-B’s complete vitamin B complex can protect diabetic patients and avoid neuropathy complications.

Ener-B contains vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 only comes from animal products so vegetarians lack vitamin B12 in their diets. Therefore, they are more likely to develop pernicious anemia and higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease and stroke. Vitamin B deficiency, such as folic acid and vitamin B12, will lead to macrocytic or pernicious anemia. The characteristics of this type of anemia is that it has large red blood cells with a short life cycle. Oral intake of vitamin B12 can effectively treat pernicious anemia. In addition, a lack of vitamin B12 can cause high homocysteine levels in the body, which can lead to hardening of the blood vessels and even heart disease and stroke. Therefore, vegetarians must take Ener-B to make up for the lack of Vitamin B 12 in the diet.

When you do not have enough vitamin B in your diet, it can lead to anemia. Especially when B12 and/or B6 content in your body is low, your blood will not be able to carry enough oxygen. A lack of vitamin B12 can lead to pernicious anemia and a lack of folic acid can lead to folic acid deficiency anemia. Vitamin B supplementation can promote the production of red blood cells and prevent folic acid deficiency anemia, macrocytic anemia or pernicious anemia due to malnutrition. In summary, taking Ener-B can help the body to produce blood and improve anemia.

Homocysteine – an amino acid in the blood, is a new indicator and an independent risk factor for heart disease and stroke. High levels of homocysteine in the blood are associated with low vitamin B levels, especially vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid. When homocysteine level in the blood is high, it can cause vascular complications and sclerosis. Folic acid and vitamin B12 can improve the function of the coronary arteries in patients with high homocysteine levels and can also effectively reduce homocysteine concentration. In addition, vitamin B3 or niacin is also believed to be able to lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce cardiovascular risk. Generally, vegetarians are prone to cardiovascular disease due to the lack of vitamin B12 in their diet and due to stressors in life, modern people’s body depletes a large amount of vitamin B. If they do not supplement enough vitamin B, it can easily cause cardiovascular disease. This is the main reason why vegetarians have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular disease becoming more common in young people. Therefore, supplementing enough Ener-B every day is essential for you.

One of the important roles of vitamin B (especially B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6) is to act as a cofactor in the liver to promote metabolism. Vitamin B supplementation is extremely helpful in alleviating typical fatigue syndromes such as muscle and joint pain, anxiousness, concentration problems, headaches and loss of appetite. They mainly depend on the role of B complex in energy metabolism. In addition, alcoholics usually lack vitamin B, especially low vitamin B1 and folate. This explains why many alcoholics suffer from diseases such as chronic hepatitis B, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer and liver failure. Vitamin B1 supplementation can reduce liver damage and relieve hepatitis B. In conclusion, Ener-B can provide the liver with the nutrients needed every day to ensure the healthy metabolism of the liver.

Cancer cells are always in our body, but our body has its own protective system to resist these abnormal cells. The human body has a gene called p53 that has anti-cancer properties. Studies have shown that if the folic acid in the vitamin B group is lacking in the diet, it is easy to cause the breakage of the p53 gene and increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, daily consumption of vitamin B complex is a good for ensuring a healthy life. In addition, vitamin B-type para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) also has enhanced anti-tumor activity of radioactive ions. In conclusion, Ener-B is a good choice for you to ensure proper functioning anti-cancer system of the body.

Vitamin B complex is an important nutrient for maintaining an optimal nervous system. When the level of vitamin B in the blood is too low, it can cause many obvious signs of neuropathies. For example, vitamin B1 and vitamin B6 deficiency is related to peripheral polyneuritis and peripheral neuropathy. In addition, when vitamin B3 and B12 are low, it is related to dementia, confusion and poor memory. Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 are essential nutrients for the production of neurotransmitters-acetylcholine, norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine. Studies have also found that low folate levels are risk factors for depression and Alzheimer’s disease. Sufficient supplementation of Ener-B can strengthen and increase the concentration of neurotransmitters as well as promoting optimal brain function.

We recommend allocating 30 minutes in between Ener-B and medicine consumption.

For general maintenance, we recommend 1 capsule a day and for special circumstances we recommend 2 capsules a day.

All VigorAce products are registered with the Malaysian Ministry of Health.